samedi 17 octobre 2009

Démence précoce

Je savais que le Daily Telegraph était médiocre mais pas à ce point :

Take Alexander the Great. He took the throne of Macedon when he was 19 years old and created quite an empire in his 20s. Or Cleopatra, who was 18 when she became the last great Pharaoh. Mozart wrote Andante in C at five. Keats wrote Endymion in his early 20s. And let’s not forget Orson Welles, who at the age of 26 directed Citizen Kane, perhaps the best film ever made.

The fact that Jean Sarkozy has served as local councillor in the Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine for two years suggests he’s not just going for the job for laughs.

Oui, et à 23 ans, David Hume était en train de rédiger le Traité de la Nature humaine, sans doute l'une des plus géniales oeuvres épistémologiques de l'histoire.

Nul ne doute que le Princident soit un futur Mozart ou Hume.

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