lundi 30 novembre 2009

लिङ्गं & Phallocentrisme

Healy sur certaines tentatives de justifications "féministes" de l'interdiction des minarets en Suisse comme symboles phalliques :
The prohibition also found substantial support on the left and among secularists worried about the status of women in Islamic cultures. Prominent feminists attacked minarets as male power symbols, deplored the oppression of Muslim women, and urged a vote for the ban.

The Times reports that there’s some evidence that more women were in favor of the ban than men, too. One can only suppose that, having waited until 1971 to give women the vote in Federal elections, and in some parts of the country until 1990 in Cantonal elections, the Swiss are now making up for lost time making good on their commitment to feminism.

En 1959, le droit de vote des femmes avait été refusé au niveau fédéral à 67% (les trois cantons de Genève, Vaud et Neufchâtel acceptèrent le suffrage mixte au niveau cantonal).

Add. En parlant de symboles phalliques, le joli site BibliOdissey a des designs de gardes d'épées et Zach Weiner nous révèle les angoisses dans la vie sexuelle de Kant.

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