lundi 20 juin 2011

Théologico-politique dans l'univers Marvel

Un Symposium entre plusieurs amateurs sur les séries récentes de Marvel, et notamment la nouvelle série Fear Itself, au titre rooseveltien :

Abbhay Khosla : Consider the last “trilogy” of crossovers– the “Bush Trilogy.”

In Episode 1, CIVIL WAR, right-wing heroes use the fear of terrorist acts to squelch civil liberties, but… those opposing that squelching ultimately quit fighting once they realize that the American people hate their civil liberties and prefer security over freedom.

In Episode 2, SECRET INVASION, it turns out that we aren’t any more safe because our society was already infiltrated by foreign religious fanatics. The Marvel heroes then begin the eradication of the foreigners, but in the process of that heroic genocide, an even more extreme right-wing despot (also a religious fundamentalist) becomes a hero to the media, and thus assumes control of the Marvel universe.

So, finally, in Episode 3, THE SIEGE, the Marvel heroes defeat this right-wing media despot (literally, by turning him off using a remote control)… but then realize that it’s not enough to merely defeat the religious right’s figurehead. The Marvel heroes can only create a Heroic Age by murdering the Old Testament God, suggesting to the audience that the only way that a meaningful peace can ever be achieved is the destruction of all religious belief of any kind…?

Mais ensuite, Abhay Khosla et les autres participants du débat abandonnent l'interprétation (ça me paraît peu convaincant pour la 3e partie), se désolent devant Fear Itself (où Bendis commence à être usé, même s'il est quand même meilleur que Geoff Johns) et assurent que Marvel n'avait en réalité aucun "message" cohérent quel qu'il soit.

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