mardi 28 juillet 2009

Rhétorique alaskienne

Dans cette analyse du déclin de Sarracuda Palin dans l'incohérence totale, un passage est curieux :

"In the winter time it's the frozen road that is competing with the view of ice fogged frigid beauty, the cold though, doesn't it split the Cheechakos from the Sourdoughs?"

Un Cheechako est de l'argot local pour un immigré récent en Alaska, qui ignore les vraies conditions locales, et Sourdough est un "Vrai Alaskien". Palin est née dans l'Idaho mais elle vit en Alaska depuis sa petite enfance, ce qui doit l'autoriser à ainsi jouer une rhétorique de la division contre une partie de ses concitoyens, en reprenant les vues de son mari.

Gawker commente :

It's like Peggy Noonan, Jack London, and William Faulkner wandered into the woods with three buttons of peyote and one typewriter, and only this speech emerged.

And she wrote this speech! In advance, on paper! What does any of it mean? It is amazing. Twenty years ago she could competently descibe a dog race, three years ago she could articulate a position on the abortion issue, and this weekend she composed a resignation speech by throwing culture war stock phrases into a hat and dumping it upside down on a copy of The Paranoid Style in American Politics.

Comme disait Tabatha Southey, on sait que sa rédactrice de discours a démissionné et cherche à présent un emploi, ce qui donnerait alors cette annonce, si palinesque :

Dear Sir, or Madam, or American, or Patriot, or Alaskan, or Real American:

I am writing, addressing, appreciating the chance to speak directly to you, the voter, the constituent, the citizen (who is registered to vote), today, now, at this time to investigate, to ask, to inquire about the job, the position, the career opportunity that you have currently, nowadays, at present worked so tirelessly to post on Workopolis, while others in the old boys' network just kind of milked it.

By gosh, my work as Governor Palin's speechwriter has been rewarding and productive and industrious, and I know and understand and believe that I meet all the essential and vital and valuable criteria of the position, for the job, for the place in your company, for the employment opportunity, for the hiring option that you have communicated to me in one of the many forms of, in, in fact, all of the media, the newspapers, the press, in the vast variety of them that I was reading up here in my beloved Alaska when I saw your posting on Workopolis rear its head and come into view.

Fishing. Babies. Fishing. Troops. Fishing.

Add. Le discours de démission de Dieu, avec l'aide de Sarah Palin.

4 commentaires:

  1. "And she wrote this speech! In advance, on paper! What does any of it mean? It is amazing. "

    Ah, le devoir de réserve, des fois, c'est pénible.
    Mais je promets que moi, ça ne me surprend pas tellement :-)

  2. Tu veux dire que la Législature alaskienne n'a pas la qualité des editors d'autres Républiques, c'est ça ?

  3. Je peux aussi essayer de tenter un truc sur les verba et les scripta, et qu'un texte bon à l'oral sera forcément bizarre à l'écrit, tout ça.

    Mais en fait, c'est toi qui as raison sur le sens profond de mon message :-)
