Durga the Invincible is a martial Aspect of the Great Goddess who can also be Pārvatī of the Mountains, wife of Shiva and mother of Ganesh. She was created to kill Mahish Asura (the Buffalo-Demon), who could not be felled by a Man (yes, like Éowyn and the Witch-King).
Her ten arms bear more magical weapons than a D&D powergamer: Shiva's Trishula (Trident), Vishnu's Chakram (discus), Indra's Vajra (thunderbolt), Brahma's Kamandal (conch shell), Kubera's Gadā (Mace), a scimitar, a snake, a talwar (longsword), a bow and a Lotus flower. Her vehicle is Manashthâla the Lion.
But when Durga is really pissed off, she becomes Kālī (the Black Destroyer).
Avec tout ça, j’ai failli oublier de vous dire…
J’ai profité du fait que la toubib m’a généreusement (non…) octroyé cinq
jours d’arrêt (qui risquent hélas de s’avérer insuffisants) pour mettre mon
site à...
Il y a 13 heures
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